These are my hand at describing the mechanisms used inside the pop-up cards shown at pop up pages transition tank. Other people might do better at describing than I. My descriptions tend to go on. Other people have names for these things that give a hint as to how they understand them.
For instance I noticed one mechanism that took me forever to describe, Duncan Birmingham describes deftly with just a few sketches. Duncan calls the mechanism used for car wrecks and chaos to fling content around the "double 45° fold"
1) Chaos mechanism.
fling Easter eggs, spinning Valentine hearts
2) Piston with swivel arms
3) Shaped curved extension V mechanism
blade leafs for grasshoppers
4) X brace
bug's wings
5) Levers
lift sun
6) Larrge background spread V mech.
arch of butterflies
7) Raised platform
8) Opposing V cranes
make frogs jump off page in opposite directions
9) Steps with levers
catch frogs
10) Table
11) Frog
12) Banquet table with figures
13) Crimp with lever
Meerkats shoot weapons
14) Cone with lid
Meerkat hole
15) V mechanism and Chevron
Load page with content, creates scene with a lot of figures,
Valentine's day, Egyptian scenes, fields of bunnies, wheat fields,
meerkat group, lake of jumping fish, underwater aquarium scene,
16) Large figure
Meerkat body
17) Doors
Monkey flings open doors, mouse opens door
18) LED lights
19) Hexagon with cone
birdhouse, birthday cake, pillar, lotus flowers
ewe pond, cloud dancers, pond dancers, ant cake, egyptian modeling column
(crocodile card)
20) V mech with platform and uprights.
create scenes, cranes, tree trunks, extending cantilevers
21) Suspended plates
22) Piston. opens doors, moves levers, pulls and shoves.
23) Bridge across the central fold, a band in opposition to central fold that displaces central fold and doubles it. Used for smaller V mechanisms and to vary content around page and away from central fold. 4 ewes, 4 youz. clown fish pop-up card.
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